What is an NdFeB Magnet? 

NdFeB magnet (also known as Neodymium magnets) is a permanent rare earth magnet formed from an alloy of Neodymium, Iron, and Boron (hence Nd-Fe-B). NdFeB magnets are the strongest, most commonly used rare earth magnets in the world. They provide unparalleled levels of magnetism and resistance to demagnetization when compared to ceramic, alnico, and even samarium-cobalt magnets.

NdFeB magnets are very hard, which also makes them brittle. They have some limitations due to their corrosive behavior, so a protective coating is typically crucial before they can be commercially used. Common types of coating include epoxy, nickel plating, and combinations of these which are used to prevent corrosion due to the large quantity of iron in the magnet.

Let’s take a look at the common applications of NdFeb magnets.

What are NdFeB Magnets Used For? 

NdFeB magnets can be found in a variety of applications including high-performance and electric vehicle motors, magnetic separation technology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), sensors, and electroacoustic devices.

Electric Motors

More than one-third of the demand for NdFeB magnets is used to manufacture various permanent magnet motors. The advantages of permanent magnet motors are copper saving, power saving, lightweight, small in size, and high specific power.

Electric motors rely upon a combination of an electromagnet and a permanent magnet, usually a NdFeB magnet, to convert electric energy into mechanical energy. NdFeB magnets are widely used in EV motors, electric bicycle motors, elevator traction machine motors, refrigerator air conditioner motors, and wind-driven motors.

Wind Turbine Generators

In a standard wind turbine, the large fan blades are turned by high winds. Those blades are connected to a central generator that converts the motion into electricity. This wind turbine generator is the reverse of electric motors. They convert mechanical energy into electric energy by moving a conductor through a magnetic field.

Wind turbines generators require very strong permanent magnets to create electric energy and NdFeB magnets provide the most efficient electricity generation. This has led to more cost-efficient, reliable operations - reducing maintenance requirements and enhancing grid compatibility.

MRI Scanners

Many ‘open’ MRI machines used in hospitals use large NdFeB magnets. They are an essential component of MRI scanners' ability to achieve an internal view of the human body without radiation. MRIs produce a large magnetic field which aligns the protons in a human body in the direction of the magnetic field. Radio frequency waves are then directed at the body producing detailed internal images.

Since the invention of the NdFeB magnet, new fields of application have appeared year over year. The annual growth rate is over 30% making the application prospect of NdFeB magnets very broad.

For example, have you ever given much thought to what happens when you switch your mobile phone to vibrate mode? The rapid movement and corresponding sound that occurs is the result of a small NdFeB magnet inside the device.

Why Should NdFeB Magnets Be Recycled? 

China currently dominates global production of the rare earth elements that create NdFeB magnets. The EU sees neodymium and other rare earth metals as some of the most critical substances to the economy. Recently, the COVID pandemic showed everyone just how sensitive we are to disruptions in raw material and material flows. Increased recycling is essential to reduce the dependence of rare earth elements and NdFeB magnets manufactured for several industries. Magnet recycling also reduces the significant environmental impact that characterizes NdFeb magnets' production from virgin raw materials.

With our low waste recycling process, REEcycle aims to provide an alternative option to electronic waste as well as reduce supply uncertainty for companies reliant on NdFeB magnets. By recycling your NdFeB magnets, you can expect:

New revenue stream from electronic waste

Dependable, renewable, secure source of rare earth elements

Source rare earth elements domestically

Reduce landfill waste and support sustainable end-of-life process

Patented, low waste process

Truly circular and sustainable product

Very low carbon footprint process

Recycling NdFeB Magnets

Located in Texas, REEcycle purchases end-of-life NdFeB magnets.

We don’t procure, process, and supply just any metals. We have a very specific niche business recycling NdFeB magnets. Our singular focus and efficient, patented process uniquely positions us as the #1 NdFeB magnet recycler in the U.S.

With a 99.8% recovery efficiency, NdFeB magnets created with our recycled rare earth elements can be successfully re-used in the most advanced technical equipment around the world. We also use a proprietary solvent that can safely and efficiently extract rare earth elements from scrap - leaving no waste behind.

How do we recycle NdFeb magnets? Learn about our process here and contact us today for more information about NdFeB magnet recycling.

Contact us today for more information about NdFeB magnet recycling